YouTube Shorts redesign
I have enhanced the YouTube Shorts ui to create a better and simplified user experience. (Refer to the video and overview below)
NOTE:- This is only a rough draft to propose and showcase new ideas
Here are some of the changes that I have made for a better user experience:-
Comments are displayed besides the short so that you can watch the short and scroll through the comments at the same time.
The like/dislike menu bar is inside the shorts layout.
But they are only displayed if you hover over the shorts. Which allows users to watch the shorts without any content blocking it.
I have added a "back" arrow to exit the shorts.
I have added a preferences options like "trending", "new to you", etc. so that users can view shorts according to their likings.
Since the comments are already displayed, I have replaced the comment button with captions button. Now users can enable captions without taking extra steps.