330 ML | Concept Beer Company

I'm on an infinite quest to become more clever and creative when creating logos. Sooo here's another logo challenge, this one presented by @modernbrief.

What we know about the brand: Their name is 330 ML (for reasons unknown) and They make canned beer. The rest was left to the imagination. If you know me, no design can start without a good backstory, so I made one up.

The Story: Born out of late nights and tighter budgets, 330ml was created by a group of friends who loved a good time but hated the morning-after regrets. We wanted something that could deliver that perfect buzz without breaking the bank—or waking up wondering where the night went. So, we brewed up a beer that does just that. It’s strong, it’s smooth, and it’s here to help you know your limit without sacrificing your fun.

Drink smart, feel the buzz, and keep your pockets happy with 330ml.