Bike Repair Shop Branding

A friend of mine is starting his own bike repair shop after 15+ years working as a bike tech, i'm stoked to see him finally start something on his own.

He asked me to do a quick simple logo that was just replicating and existing design he liked, some random Industrial company that was trademarked. I told him thats probably not a good idea but he said he was small enough it wouldn't matter. Weeks later he got a cease and desist from that brand, apparently the rival bike shop owner in town had seen the sign and knew the other brand so he called the brand and ratted him out, this is a small town in NJ mind you, small peanuts, so petty. We are planning our revenge on the rat, don't worry.

I ended up making some custom type that borrowed some of the style of the B he liked and created an original logo system he can use now for various applications without fear of copyright.

will blonna
product, brand, visual designer.
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