Krishna and Karma!

Theme for this artwork came out of one of most famous quote in hindu dharma by Lord Krishna.

सर्वे कर्मवशा वयम्॥

"Everything is subject to KARMA."

This timeless truth has been passed down through the ages, yet we often forget it in challenging times. It’s not enough to merely wish for change; we must act with intention and courage, accepting the consequences of our deeds.

In Hinduism, the four paths of yoga—Karma (action), Bhakti (devotion), Jnana (knowledge), and Raja (meditation)-guide us towards a balanced life. While Bhakti Yoga focuses on devotion to the divine, the other paths-Karma Yoga (action), Jnana Yoga (knowledge), and Raja Yoga (meditation)-emphasize individual actions, self-discipline, and personal growth.

*This artwork is a fusion of imagination blending together mutilple prompt AI-generated images and my design skills, blending tradition with technology to celebrate. Tried my hand on tools like photopea and microsoft designer. Feedbacks are welcomed!

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