Brochure Design for Friends of Ukraine Network’s (USUF)

Brochure Design for Friends of Ukraine Network’s Priority Recommendations

Project Overview: I designed a brochure containing the priority recommendations of the Friends of Ukraine Network, whose members are experts in various fields such as national security, economics, and more. The brochure was intended for presentation to the U.S. Congress.

Design Approach:

  • Content Compilation: I gathered various expert analyses and articles with recommendations into a cohesive brochure, ensuring that the information was well-organized and easily accessible.

  • Visual Elements: To enhance the brochure's appeal, I carefully selected photographs, fonts, and a color scheme that aligned with the professional tone of the content. The design aimed to be both informative and visually engaging.

  • Tools used: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop

Outcome: The final brochure effectively communicated the expert recommendations in an attractive and organized format, making it a valuable tool for engaging with members of Congress.

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