Daily UI Challenge #061 - Coupons

Discover the best online and in-store deals and discounts of the day with the Coupon app! We work night and day to source the latest offers, exclusive discounts, and freebies from your favorite stores like Amazon, UberEats, Target, and much more so you can save on each purchase, every day.


Hi there! I created this quick prototype for day 61: coupons. 🎟️

I included a quick feedback system for each code so users can verify the code's validity and save the hassle for other shoppers. You have no idea how many times I entered a supposedly valid code but ended up with a "code expired" message. It's frustrating! πŸ˜‘

Anyway, thanks for swinging by!

Check out my other shots. πŸ€

Daily UI Challenge 061/100

More by Bianca Chang

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