WMP Wireframes and Potential Design
Website visitor navigates to appointment booking conversation point.
This modal window then appears, with the calendar showing clickable days with free slots, the slots will then appear when the visitor clicks on the day. The visitor will be informed of how long the slot is. The team name that will be assigned will be shown too. The timezone is also there.
NOTE: the title "vereinbare einen Termin mit einem unserer sales manager" is too specific we would need "Vereinbaren Sie einen Termin mit einem unserer Mitarbeiter".
The visitor enter their details and the meeting details, these will also be in the email and invitation info.
Confirmation page, which displays who will take their meeting too.
Potential Designs
Demonstrated below are some ideas I created that fit inside the current WMP layout design/width. It is quite basic but will suit the current look.
NOTE: One suggestion would be to have “15:00 XXm” where XX is the time in minutes of the meeting, or “15:00-15:30”.