Cádiz Carnival 2016
Cádiz Carnival 2016
As one of Spain's major ports during the 16th century, Cadiz is a beautifully serene city on the Andalucian coast known for its elegance and grace.
A city with which it had much trade, and since then it has become the liveliest and most dazzling carnival town in mainland Spain, famous for its amusing and creative characters and satirical song groups.
The City of Cádiz is suspended for one week every year for what is one of the largest Carnival celebrations in the world. Cadiz’s carnival is the one of the most extravagant parties that you can attend in Europe. This fast, exuberant burst of revelry and colour is centred on Shrove Tuesday, at the end of February or beginning of March, and it’s a celebration of life and excess. Get swept up in the excitement and get ready for the party of a lifetime. In total the festivities last for ten days which take in two weekends. Rooms are booked months in advance so be sure to plan your visit well ahead of time.