Landing page with details for bike service

The landing page features a light background in warm beige and white tones, creating a sense of comfort and reliability. It is composed of several key sections:

  1. Hero Section:

    • Headline: The main message is "Your old bike will ride like new." The headline is centrally positioned and uses a large font, capturing the visitor's attention.

    • Subheadline: Below the headline, a subheadline clarifies that professional bike repair services are offered.

    • Call to Action Button: The "Book Now" button is prominently placed beneath the text, making it noticeable and easily accessible.

    • Background Image: On the right side, there is a photo of a person riding a bike against the backdrop of a rising or setting sun, evoking a sense of motion and freedom.

  2. Information Sections:

    • Our Services and Products: Below the hero section, there are two blocks with images and brief descriptions, showcasing the bike repair services and related products.

    • Why Choose Us: This section highlights the company's advantages, including years of experience, skilled craftsmen, and the use of quality materials. Each point is accompanied by icons, adding visual clarity.

    • How It Works: This block explains the service process in 4 simple steps, also featuring icons and short explanations.

The work made during the course of UI/UX Design.

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