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An art piece based off the Punjabi folktale, Sohni-Mahiwal. The story follows two individuals in love, who eventually die trying to be with each other. Sohni, the daughter of a potter falls in love with Mahiwal, a rich trader. Mahiwal gives away his riches to win over her family, working as a buffalo herder on their land. Sohni was married off by her family and mahiwal settled in a cottage across the river to be close to her. At night she would use her father’s baked pots to float across the river to meet him. One day her family replaced her pot with an unbaked one, causing her to drown as mahiwal watched. He jumped in to see her, but met the same fate as they were both taken by the river. This empowering portrayal of Sohni is to express her femininity and her freedom to be able to live as she desired.