Daily UI 001 - Sign Up (Animated)

Hey all,

Im trying to do the Daily UI thing and although i cant find time every day will try to work through the list as timely as i can. Here is the first one, for an imaginary app called Scribbble, and the sign up form. This pattern allows users to register, or if they are already registered jumps them to the login page. When the user has registered they are also prompted to login.

Background done in Photoshop
Interface done in Sketch
Interaction and Animation done in FramerJS

You can view the live thing here:
Use these details
nick@jonssoncom for wrong email
nick@jonsson.com for correct email
wrong for wrong password
goodpassword for correct password

Attached is the wireframe for how it all fits together.

Diagram Template by İsmail Köse (@ismailkose_me)

Nick Jonsson
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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