Ducktail Construction Platform


Ducktail is a construction platform application designed to connect users, construction companies, and interior designers. It provides a seamless experience for those seeking jobs and internships in the construction industry, as well as for companies and designers looking to collaborate on projects. With a focus on user-friendly design and efficient navigation, Ducktail makes it easy for users to explore career opportunities, connect with companies, and manage construction projects, all in one integrated platform.


Designing Ducktail involved several challenges. The platform needed to cater to three distinct user groups—individual users, construction companies, and interior designers—each with unique needs and workflows. Ensuring a smooth and intuitive experience for all three flows while integrating a career portal for job and internship seekers was a key challenge. Additionally, creating a cohesive design that effectively served the professional nature of the construction industry while remaining engaging and easy to use was essential.

  • Balancing the needs of three distinct user groups: individuals, construction companies, and interior designers.

  • Creating a user-friendly experience that integrates complex workflows and career opportunities.

  • Designing a cohesive and professional interface that appeals to both industry professionals and job seekers.

  • Ensuring seamless navigation across different user flows while maintaining simplicity and clarity.

My Approach

To tackle these challenges, I focused on creating a modular design that could adapt to the needs of each user group. The interface was designed to be intuitive, with clear navigation paths tailored to individual users, companies, and designers. The career portal was integrated seamlessly into the platform, allowing users to easily search for jobs and internships while exploring other features. I also ensured that the design was clean and professional, reflecting the industry’s standards while remaining accessible to all users.

  • Modular Design: Developed a flexible interface that adapts to the needs of different user groups.

  • Clear Navigation: Tailored navigation paths for users, companies, and designers to ensure an intuitive experience.

  • Seamless Integration: Integrated the career portal smoothly into the platform, making job searches easy and efficient.

  • Professional Aesthetic: Created a clean, industry-standard design that appeals to professionals and job seekers alike.


The Ducktail platform successfully met the needs of its diverse user base. The modular design allowed for easy navigation, and users appreciated the streamlined experience. The career portal saw significant usage, with many users finding internships and job opportunities through the platform. Overall, the platform’s design led to increased engagement and positive feedback from all three user groups.

  • Enhanced User Experience: The modular design provided a smooth, intuitive experience for all users.

  • Increased Career Portal Usage: High engagement with the job and internship search feature.

  • Positive Feedback: Users from all groups praised the platform’s professional design and easy navigation.

Future Plans

Moving forward, I plan to introduce more advanced features, such as personalized job recommendations based on user profiles and interests. Expanding the platform’s capabilities to include project management tools for construction companies and interior designers is also on the agenda. Additionally, incorporating AI-driven insights to match users with relevant opportunities and collaborators is a key focus.

  • Personalized Job Recommendations: Introduce features that suggest jobs and internships based on user profiles.

  • Project Management Tools: Expand the platform to include tools for managing construction and design projects.

  • AI-Driven Insights: Implement AI to provide personalized matches between users, companies, and designers.


The Ducktail project was a rewarding challenge, requiring a balance between functionality and user experience. By focusing on the specific needs of different user groups and integrating career opportunities seamlessly, I was able to create a platform that serves the construction industry effectively. With future enhancements on the horizon, Ducktail is poised to become an essential tool for professionals, companies, and job seekers alike in the construction field.


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