Dribbble Invites X2
UPDATE (26th) The winners have been chosen! I would like to say THANK YOU all that sent me inquiries for the invite, It was very difficult to narrow it down to 2,so because you weren't chosen, doesn't mean you suck (keep looking, you'll get it) The 2 Winners: 1) Pixel Grow 2) Sriram Sarad Samoju Congrats! Enjoy the dribbble community and looking forward to critiquing each others stuff! Thank you all, ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys! I have two Dribbble invites that I want to share. If you want to get one, please send me an e-mail with your very best works or portfolio link to: kawentan@gmail.com Results will be announced next Tuesday,26th. Also, just if you like (you don't have to) ,follow me on Dribbble where I'll announce the winners.. Good luck guys!