User Google Authentication

User will be directed to their profile.

They will then link their calendar, this can be done as is shown in the image above, as a separate tab to their account. I think this way it will be easier to add future calendar functionality in the future, such as expanding the scope with Microsoft and other calendar types. Note: the dashed boxes are to demonstrate future scope with Outlook, etc.

Note: authentication will be done by the User in this profile tab. Their calendar will exist in whatever team calendar they are in, this includes multiple teams. The Kalender verknüpfen button might not be needed or not clickable, as we would prefer the User to select the calendar type to confirm, so this box could be an info box, that tells you what to do and where to click.

In addition to the user profile, the admin must confirm they can see their user's calendar authentication. ^^Here is the list view for the Admin to see if their users have had their google calendar authenticated. A green tick confirms this, and a red cross shows it is not connected.

More by Stella Williams

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