UX Architecture and design for online petsitting services search

Hi everyone! 👋

Investors approached my team to research, plan and design an app for localized petsitting services. The goal was to connect pet owners with pet sitters and allow them to connect, schedule and pay for services.

My task began with thorough research that would be the basis for workshops conducted for the investors. After 4 weeks of workshops on which we outlined pain points with competing applications and ideation phase I started to outline the information architecture, user flow charts and initial lo-fi mockups.

As the project progressed it became apparent that it will need a design system that would improve the development of future functionalities, provide guidelines for developers in multiple scenarios of use.

From this stage my task was to create complete designs system and hi-fi, clickable and animated mockups for future functionalities. During 2 years of development process I created over 300 mobile and desktop mockups that were fully functional which allowed for extensive user tests that I planned and carried out before developers started their work.

More by Jolanta Żochowska

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