Food E-commerce Website

Project Overview

This web design was made for a cafeteria to manage their online orders with their custom system which includes the main site for users, and the admin site for management purposes. This web design is aimed to be a really simple and minimalist user interface.

To achieve this, I strategically used a white background to accentuate the colors that would eventually be used on the site. Green is used as the primary color to create a harmony with the name of the cafeteria which is Joegreen Cafeteria. The secondary color used was orange which was crucial to add a much needed variety to the palette.

This web design fulfills requirements for functionality and User Experience with a very simple user flow.

βœ” Users land on the homepage

βœ” The landing page is really colorful and yet minimalist. This is done deliberately to make sure that their appetites are stirred

βœ” The next section has Cards for popular menu categories with buttons which would take them to see the full menu

βœ” The next section details how the their request is handled. [Browse the menu, place an order, pay, Delivery is made to their address]

βœ” The menu page where users can go to see the full menu, and then add meals to their cart.

βœ” After Shopping, The checkout quick link on the Navigation Bar takes them to the checkout page, where the total cost of all their orders is calculated. Edits to their orders can also be made to their on this page.

βœ” However during checkout, if the user is not currently signed in. their cart is saved, and they are redirected to the sign in page. When they successfully sign in, they are redirected to the checkout page so they can conclude their order. This way they can adequately keep track of their transactions and orders on the site.

βœ” Users can then input their preferred delivery information, pay and have their order queued. πŸ›« C'est fini.

Usability and user experience: Passed.

Overall, this project seamlessly integrates functionality with an engaging user experience, ensuring a smooth and intuitive process from start to finish.

I am Adefuye Abayomi, Creative Designer @ Five and Six Technologies. I'm Available for Design roles, Collaborations and Opportunities.

Reach me on instagram

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