KalaiCraft Creative: Creative Agency
KalaiCraft Creative is a future vision of my creative agency. I have designed a web page in the theme of classic art to represent my brand which is based out of Tamil Nadu. So, I wanted this website to have some blend in my culture and art. I have followed my brands color everywhere in the website. I like to emphasis about my brand.
Here is the prototype of the website: https://www.figma.com/proto/6WbHtCLiz3VGshNSni6xvd/KalaiCraft-Creative-Web-page?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=2-4&viewport=431%2C60%2C0.21&t=TfPQnp201wbLU7lh-1&scaling=scale-down&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=2%3A4
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