Foreign Currency Exchange Feature


Budi, an avid traveler from Indonesia, frequently exchanges currency when planning trips abroad. Currently, the process of buying foreign currency through traditional banking channels is cumbersome, lacking transparency and security.


Design a feature that simplifies currency exchange, providing clarity on rates and fees while ensuring user security and transaction reliability.

Goals and Objectives

  • Ease of Use: Develop an intuitive interface that simplifies foreign currency purchases.

  • Transparency: Offer clear information on exchange rates, fees, and regulations.

  • Security: Enhance security measures to protect users' personal information.

  • Sclability: Ensure the system supports high transaction volumes reliably.

Research and Insights

  1. Key Insights

  • Users prioritize transparency in exchange rates and fees.

  • Security and privacy are major concerns.

  • Users prefer a simple and straightforward transaction process.

  1. Competitive Analysis

    Analyzed similar features from other banks and financial apps to identify strengths and areas for improvement.


Designed a comprehensive currency exchange feature that includes:

  • Live Exchange Rates: Real-time updates of currency rates.

  • Transparent Fees: Clear breakdown of transaction fees and regulations.

  • Secure Transactions: Multi-factor authentication and encryption for user security.

More by Adriyan Hazmar

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