Rental Application Start Page
About SingleKey
SingleKey is a risk-management software aiming to give property managers and small landlords the tools and expertise to find the right tenants and mitigate risks in the rental market. They do this through their three primary products, a Tenant Report (a credit & background check in one), Rent Collection (automated & reported rent payments), and Rent Guarantee (renter’s insurance).
Project Summary
I worked on a solution to add a language selector to SingleKey's rental application start page, while also making more use of the blank space to all the content on one page and eliminate the need for scrolling to begin the application.
My role
I was tasked with adding an English or French language selector to the rental application start page, to accommodate lease applicants from Quebec or those with French as their primary language.
As I began working on this, I noticed several issues with the page’s effectiveness of using all of it’s real estate to present the content:
🌟 The main actions were placed at the bottom, requiring applicants to scroll to begin the application
🌟 The ‘How to apply for this rental’ section was buried beneath the main action buttons and easily missed
🌟 The rental unit information and free account value props took up excessive vertical space, leaving little room for the main actions and the ‘How to apply for this rental’ section.
So I took the initiative to think of a few solutions:
Final result
The team favourite was V3 as it separated the rental unit information and the applications steps from the main action buttons, while not straying too far from the existing intro page.
The language selector was strategically placed right above the action buttons so it couldn’t be missed.
The final implementation was a subtle variation of V3, featuring a left-aligned sidebar for primary actions and a callout card highlighting user account benefits, and the goal of a single, scroll-free page was reached.