Explorer Elite Brand Identity

Explorer Elite is a start-up with a primary objective to establish an online travel magazine/blog. Visit their website to learn more, https://explorerelite.com

Also, they aim to provide technology-driven personalized travel management using AI with an extended travel guide and a multilingual support system. Their mission is to provide a unique, high-quality and seamless user experience to travellers in all ages and various travel requirements. Checkout the complete project, Explorer Elite Logo & Brand Identity :: Behance

I designed their logo and brand identity last year. I'm so happy and humbled to share that Explorer Elite logo has been featured in the Ultimate Logofolio Spring/Summer 2024 Edition showcasing most recent works of some of the most renowned brand identity experts from around the world. Checkout the entire collection here, Ultimate Logofolio Spring/Summer 2024 :: Behance

© Samadara Ginige


Instagram | Behance

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