Clinic Radar - Booking App for Plastic Surgery

Clinic Radar App

Clinic Radar assists customers in comparing and reviewing plastic surgery clinics, ensuring they make informed decisions. It manages the entire appointment process, from scheduling to follow-ups, and facilitates direct communication with the clinic’s assistant or the surgeon for pre-consultation discussions before the operation, providing a seamless and comprehensive experience.

Surgeons Community

Whether you’re looking for a highly qualified surgeon or seeking to share your experience with others, Surgeons Community in Clinic Rada serves as a trusted resource in the field of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.

Schedule an appointment

User can be able to schedule an appointment through the app. In this appointment surgeons can pre-consultant their patients before the surgery to make sure there is no questions in the patients mind

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I would love to hear your thoughts and advices about this work to help me to improve my perception and vision for my future projects.

Murat Nalcaci
Product Design Lead
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