Berikan Lokapasar - Healthy Food Product E-Commerce Website

Cover UI Berikan Lokapasar

About This Project

Backstory & Purpose:

  • Berikan Lokapasar is a unique marketplace site for local Indonesian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that develop protein-rich products such as snacks, chips, and others from fish.

  • This is one of the redesign projects that I worked on while being a UI/UX Designer Intern at Berikan Protein. The project produced good results, such as 1000 products sold from January to April 2022.


  • Berikan Protein, as a movement to overcome malnutrition in Indonesia, also plays a role as an actor in accelerating nutrition with protein-rich products from fish.

  • Sales of these products are carried out through a website connected to e-commerce. Still, the existing website is considered not to provide a good user experience, needs complete information, and needs to be more aesthetic.


1). User Research:

  • For this project, I conducted direct interviews and focus group discussions with Berikan Protein's owners and management to understand the client's desires for the kind of website they wanted.

  • The results of user research revealed that several important sections were needed on the website, and the user wanted a fresh website impression with a marine nuance and an empowering spirit.

2). Hi-Fi & Prototype:

  • Based on time considerations and client approval, the information architecture and wireframing stage was skipped and went directly to the Hi-Fi design and prototype stage, which required around 6 UI Design pages in desktop view.

  • The blue color palette was chosen to represent the Berikan Protein logo and the fresh-trusted movement, which carries the empowerment of Protein from fish.

  • The Prototype can be seen HERE.

Branding Banner

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