Digicase - Digitally proficient in the real world

With the Digikoffer, we activate children (ages 9 to 12) to make conscious choices in what technology they use and how they use it. And how they include their parents in the learning process. The Digikoffer has four themes: on/off, devices around you, the secret of the pixel and zeros and ones.

Ready for the (digital) start!

All children make a good digital start at the time in their lives when they increasingly use digital technology and online media independently. This means not only teaching them how to use technology (basic ICT skills) and how to search for reliable information online (Media Literacy), but also encouraging children to adopt a critical attitude toward the creators of and mechanisms behind that technology.

Making and testing is the key to success

Because of the complexity and scope of the "Technology" theme, we chose to make early in the process. This way you get thoughts tangible quickly and make it possible to test directly with the target group. As a result, the design went through multiple testing phases and thus truly meets the needs of client and target group. The DigiKoffer is currently being prepared for production.

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