AI UX Design Patterns Guide

This collection of UX patterns is an attempt to catalogue, with simplified example, the key interaction patterns applicable to crafting successful AI experiences.

Artificial Intelligence brings a new paradigm to user experience design. Asking users to express their intend, rather than the long standing modus operandi of using options to impute commands.

Previously developers configured known options to allow users to produce predictable outputs. However, AI doesn’t work like this.

Example pattern ~ Prompt Reference Material

Sample Design

The below example shows 6 patterns combined into a typical prompt authoring experience. Deciding which patterns to include is all about which patterns serve our users & their goals best.

Patterns in this example include:

  • Inline Help

  • Prompt Template Library

  • Prompt Feedback

  • Inline Prompt Suggestions

  • Result options

  • Result AI Assistance

Luke Bennis
Graphic > Web > Product Designer
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