⚡️ Live activity for WatchOS

Hello all 👋

A while back, I wondered in the vast world of the small screen of apple watch UI. Having worked with a grocery e-commerce app, I decided to create a live activity tracker for watch OS.

I started prioritising the vital information that really needs to be shown on the small screen of watch. I also referred to the current order tracking experience of a few delivery apps and narrowed it down to:

  1. Delivery time or ETA

  2. The status of order ie. "placed", "on the way" and more

  3. Address where the order is being delivered

  4. Number of items in the order

  5. A glimpse of what these items are - probably pictures

  6. Branding element on the live activity widget

This 👆 got me to the screens shown below 👇:

Problems with the above designs:

📎 Too much information in too little area

📎 Text sizes too small to read while brand logo takes up around 30% real estate

📎 Tiny visual elements, difficult to clearly comprehend

Enters the Human Interface Guidelines...

Since this started as a leisure project, I went straight into designs without realising the proper way of doing things! :D

At this point, I was genuinely looking for a solution to solve the above mentioned problems. When I stumbled upon this detailed article here by Apple, it was one of those oh! fish moments 🥲

This article guided me not only about correct font sizes for better readability but also gave nice pre-made layouts.


What the guidelines truly helped with was - narrowing down the crucial & required information furthermore to only be left with the absolutely very important information.

✷ Narrowed down information:

  1. The remaining time for delivery,

    not the ETA as that requires users to see the current time and do the math of remaining time.

  2. A keyword for order status -

    like "placed" or "arriving"

  3. Delivery address - this reassures users that they've ordered at the right place.


  1. Number of items - which helps them recollect what they're getting in the order.

Out of address & items, it depends on the particular app/product what they choose to prioritise for this widget. Even though, there are some approaches which include both- it is not advised by Human Interface Guidelines to keep a lot of information on the widget.

Thank you for reading! :)

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More by Jahnavi Vegad

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