Flower Shop Website – Inner pages (product, category, cart etc.)
Delivering the final set of shots dedicated to the flower shop project. Some inner pages of the website are presented here, e.g. Product, Category and Cart pages, Review Modal, FAQs and About sections etc.
Project Overview
The design of this website is based on the real project. Being more accurate, it's a combination of a few similar projects I worked on from different business areas, which had the same spirit.
The functionality of the website covers some basic ecommerce capabilities: products categories, filtering, detailed product page, instant order, cart etc.
Projects from such creative industries are extremely easy to work with, as they give you plenty of design freedom as well as tons of inspiration!
Thank you for checking out my work! 💚
See more projects in my profile, or reach me straight up if you have any questions/comments/opportunities which we could discuss.