Spotify Daily Vibes

What if Spotify had a story-like system?

The problem: As it stands, Spotify has a follow-like system, similar to friending someone on the app, where friends can see what they are all listening to. But that is it, this feature doesn't really go anywhere further.

So I thought to myself, everyone on Instagram uses music for their stories. So... taking inspiration from social media platforms like Instagram and BeReal I have come up with the idea of Spotify Vibes!

How it works:

It's quite simple honestly, open up the app, and see what friends have posted their daily vibe (you only get one a day so use it wisely).

When you realize that you are in the vibe, simply add it to your daily vibe story by pressing the vibes button, snapping a picture of your surrounding, and adding a caption to it.

The raw stuff:

More by Mat Biernat

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