Product Design - An all-in-one customer communication service

Design the UI/UX for an inbox that enables agent teams to manage customer communication from multiple messaging channels within a single unified platform.

Project Overview

InstaMessage is an all-in-one customer communication integration service that includes a multi-channel messaging inbox, a built-in flow builder, a broadcast service, and a well-organized CRM database.

As the sole product designer, I joined the team at a very early stage to bring the product to life and design the user experience for automated customer communication from the ground up.


Role: Product Designer.

Timeline: 4 months.

Team: 4 members, including a Project Manager and 2 Full-stack Developers.

Collaboration: I worked closely with developers and presented directly to the CEO, achieving a balance between user-friendly design, budget and time constraints, and development feasibility.

Feel free to drop me a message if you're interested in collaborating : )

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