POSTER - IoT - May, 2021
"When CCTV Meets IoT, Society becomes Safe but Anxious?"
The poster I made was inspired by technology applied in China, namely CCTV based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology which can detect and scan faces and has a facial recognition function. China's goal is to apply this technology to monitor all citizens' movements through a surveillance system called "Xue Liang" which means "Sharp Eye", and give each person a "Social Credit" value that will determine how trustworthy they are. It is even targeted that by 2020 570 million CCTVs will be installed in China.
Ilustrasi yang saya buat yaitu terdapat sebagian contoh seperti orang sedang berjalan, orang sedang bersepeda, mobil yang nampak dari depan dan belakang. Kemudian, terdapat CCTV yang terdapat di depan dan di atas. Pada bagian bawah terdapat ilustrasi manusia yang duduk di depan layar monitor. Ketika CCTV mendeteksi benda bergerak akan secara otomatis muncul di layar monitor dengan memunculkan kolom-kolom di samping benda tersebut. Pada contoh nyata kolom tersebut akan memunculkan karakteristik seperti nama, jenis kelamin, jenis pakaian, nomor plat kendaraan, warna, jenis kendaraan, dsb. Kemudian, data-data yang muncul tersebut oleh sistem akan dicocokkan dengan database nasional yang sudah terintegrasi. Teknologi yang bekerja untuk memindai setiap pergerakan secara otomatis, sedangkan manusia hanya bertugas untuk mengatur dan mengawasi alat-alat tersebut.
"When CCTV Meets IoT"
In its application, the public feels guaranteed security, this technology can even detect crimes that have not yet occurred through movements shown by suspicious people. However, on the other hand, the public also feels anxious about the existence of CCTV. The government seems to be interfering with someone's personal rights with the data they have. This can be demonstrated by the government's national database where they also record the contents of identity and facial cards, medical and criminal records, travel reservations, online purchases, and even social media activity. In addition, it makes it easier for officers to detain people arbitrarily.