Introducing Mochila: Showing bus stop times

We've spent the better part of the past 10 months working on an app for college students. We're just waiting on App Store approval now so that we can officially launch next week, but I thought it'd be a good time to share one of my favorite screens from the iOS app.

This screen shows you the times for a bus stop on my alma mater's campus. In addition to both list and map views that show stop names and their next times — when available, you'd be shocked at how much campus information is unorganized or totally unavailable — and the routes themselves, we also provide students with the full schedule for the current day. This is great if you're about to get out of class early, and want to see how quickly you need to get to the bus route to get home. I think we did a great job of designing this screen to be very clear and simple to read, as well as full of all of the information that students might need. I'm proud of the work that we've put into Mochila, and we can't wait for students across the country to start using it later this month.

More by Adam Selby

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