MrQ - Online casino redesign task

I was fortunate to redesign MrQ for players who log in and for their registration process, ensuring compliance with UK online casino regulations.

This task required critical thinking and UX considerations while following MrQ's design guidelines, branding, and current layouts.

After finalizing the redesign, I presented my ideas in a Loom video, which was a great experience.

Please enjoy this case study and let me know if you need help with your project.



Light mode

Considering both the light and dark modes of the design, a crucial part was to ensure delivering user's preferred theme. This was something MrQ lacked and I solved it by recreating colors in variables for both themes.

End design Screens

Here is the end design look that I recreated to give users easier registration and personalization games at the beginning of their experience, I presented these decisions in a Loom video that I put the link below:

Click here to see the presentation

Styles and variables

I used MrQ design guides to create a brand-new design variables using primitive colors and design tokens along with a neat typography.

Design system

Designing without components is just not working well. I decided to create a component system library to ensure the quality of designs and its consistency.


I brought my research to life by beginning wireframes from low fid to High fid to craft a well-designed elements.

This is a critical aspect of a design as it shows what the brand needs and where I had to put the elements

Challenge and analysis

I summarized the given challenge into a summary to understand it better and clear my mind. Then I started the analysis of the challenge by what MrQ already had and suggested where it could be better for the users.

I invite you to look at the result.

More by Sohrab Niroo

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