Responsive Shoe Store HTML E-commerce Website

This is my responsive HTML e-commerce website, which I created using Visual Studio Code, Bootstrap, and JavaScript integrations for a fictional shoe retailer called Raw & Tide. This project was part of my final assignment. It's a revamped version of my previous HTML website, which I created during my Nitec course in Web Applications. The new design features a modern updated look and feel, consistent color schemes, and a new logo created in Adobe Illustrator. However, some design inconsistencies, especially in the footer, cause layout resizing issues on different platforms. Overall, I aimed to create a unique, visually striking website with a bold and dynamic tone that reflects the unique functionality of the footwear and sporting apparel industry.

(Plus with my dummy homepage prototype with a different colour scheme created in Adobe XD and the branding logo designed in Adobe Illustrator)

See my previous HTML website on a shoe retailer:

Desktop Layout

Tablet Layout

Mobile Layout

Dummy Homepage Prototype


Platform Adaptability


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