Raggam Landing Page Redesign

Raggam Landing Page Redesign

Raggam is a rental platform that offers a wide range of products, from musical instruments to electronics. The goal of this redesign was to enhance the user experience with a cleaner interface, easier navigation, and more prominent features.

Key Sections:

  1. Header

    • Features the main navigation with product categories.

    • Prominent product search bar in the center.

    • Information on discounts and location at the top.

  2. Promotional Banner

    • Main banner with a "Free Shipping" promotion for all rental items.

    • Clear call-to-action (CTA) to take advantage of the promo code.

  3. Popular Product Categories

    • Displays the most popular product categories with attractive images.

    • Links to recommendation pages for each category.

  4. Product Recommendations Near Your Location

    • Shows products available near the user's location.

    • Detailed information about rental prices, ratings, and available stock.

  5. Call-to-Action Section

    • Encourages users to sign up and find the items they want with a clear CTA.

Challenges :

  1. Improving Navigation

    • Creating an easy-to-use navigation system so users can quickly find categories and products they are looking for.

  2. Prominent Promotions:

    • Designing an eye-catching promotional banner that doesn't disrupt the user's browsing experience.

  3. Personalized Recommendations:

    • Integrating product recommendations based on the user's location to enhance the relevance of offerings.

  4. Visual Consistency:

    • Ensuring visual consistency and strong branding throughout the page to build user trust and loyalty.

Results :

  1. User Engagement:

    • Increased user interaction with the search feature and product recommendations.

    • Longer user dwell time on the page due to more intuitive navigation.

  2. Conversion Rate:

    • Higher number of users utilizing the promo code and signing up.

    • Increase in rental transactions through location-based product recommendations.

  3. User Feedback:

    • Positive feedback on the new, more modern, and user-friendly design.

    • Users find it easier to locate the products they need.

Conclusion :

The redesign of Raggam's landing page successfully enhanced the user experience with better navigation, effective promotions, and more relevant product recommendations. This positively impacted the platform's engagement and conversion rates.


I can't wait to hear your feedback and thoughts on this design. Scroll through the screens and let me know what you think! Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Don't forget to hit "L" if you love it! ❤️ ✨ ✨

Full design ⬇️ 🌿

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