Nordic Adventures

Each of these postcards were created in the moments of stillness and solitude. As I walked up to the mountains, down to the valleys, and along the pastures of Norway, I rested in the presence of the Creator. With my gaze on the rocky peaks, rushing waters, and dancing trees, I pulled out my travel sketchbook, a pen, and a few soft pastel pencils to join in the Song of Creation.

Saint Artisan

A visual reflection on the heart of the artisan revealed in the book of Exodus when Bazalel and Oholiab were filled with the Spirit to adorn the sanctuary of the LORD with artistic designs made from gold, silver, and bronze.



Capturing the beauty of creation by joining the song of creation with colors, shapes, and lines


Praising as the sun dawns and the flame of wild horses ashes the way home

Travel Sketching

Norway-Poland-Canada 2024


The City of Sadness

The City of Sadness is a story of Redemption and Restoration in the season of Wild Wilderness.