Rhodes & Beckett Strategy

Client: Rhodes & Beckett

Industry: Fashion Retail

Project: Brand Identity and Strategy Development

Objective: Create a compelling brand deck to engage Asian investors and revive the legacy brand.


Rhodes & Beckett, once an iconic name in Australian fashion, faced significant challenges due to shifts in the retail market and management inefficiencies. As a result, the company became insolvent. Recognising the brand's enduring value and heritage, new investors sought to rejuvenate Rhodes & Beckett. They turned to Soto for a strategic overhaul and a pitch deck that would captivate Asian investors, emphasizing the potential for revival and growth.

Our Approach

Our approach focused on three key pillars: leveraging the brand's legacy, understanding the target investor market, and presenting a clear path to profitability and innovation.

Discovery and Research

  • Brand Analysis: Conducted a thorough analysis of Rhodes & Beckett’s brand history, values, and market perception.

  • Market Research: Examined the current fashion retail landscape in Asia, identifying trends, consumer preferences, and key market opportunities.

  • Stakeholder Interviews: Engaged with former and current stakeholders to gain insights into the brand’s strengths, weaknesses, and untapped potential.

Brand Identity Revitalisation

  • Logo and Visuals: Refreshed the logo to maintain heritage while introducing modern elements. Developed a sophisticated color palette and typography that resonated with luxury fashion markets.

  • Brand Narrative: Crafted a compelling brand story that highlighted Rhodes & Beckett’s legacy, commitment to quality, and vision for the future.

  • Product Innovation: Proposed new product lines and design innovations that align with contemporary fashion trends and cater to Asian markets.

Strategic Pitch Deck Development

  • Investor Insight: Tailored the pitch deck to address the specific interests and priorities of Asian investors, emphasising market potential and ROI.

  • Market Opportunities: Highlighted the growth potential in key Asian markets, backed by data and market analysis.

  • Financial Projections: Presented realistic and compelling financial forecasts, including revenue projections, investment requirements, and expected returns.

  • Strategic Roadmap: Outlined a clear and actionable plan for Rhodes & Beckett’s market re-entry and growth, including marketing strategies, partnership opportunities, and scalability plans.

Brand Deck Details

  • Introduction to Rhodes & Beckett:

    • Celebrating the heritage and craftsmanship that defined the brand.

    • Emphasising the brand’s historical significance and loyal customer base.

  • Market Analysis:

    • Detailed insights into the fashion retail market in Asia.

    • Identifying key trends, consumer behaviors, and market gaps.

  • Brand Revitalisation Strategy:

    • Visual and narrative rebranding to align with modern luxury standards.

    • Product innovation tailored to Asian fashion preferences.

  • Financial Projections:

    • Clear financial models showcasing revenue growth, profit margins, and investment returns.

    • Breakdown of initial investment requirements and utilisation.

  • Strategic Roadmap:

    • Step-by-step plan for market re-entry, including marketing, distribution, and partnerships.

    • Long-term vision for brand expansion and market dominance.

  • Why Invest in Rhodes & Beckett:

    • Unique value proposition highlighting the blend of legacy and innovation.

    • Potential for high returns in a burgeoning market.


The pitch deck we developed for Rhodes & Beckett successfully captured the interest of several key Asian investors. Our strategic approach and compelling presentation positioned Rhodes & Beckett not just as a revitalised brand but as a promising investment opportunity with substantial growth potential.



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