Turkey’s Subconscious Mindscapes of the Unconscious

FutureBright Art Foundation | Turkey’s Subconscious Mindscapes of the Unconscious: Back to the Essence

''There are two principles for accessing the veiled mind:

Images and Metaphors.''

FutureBright Group opened “Turkey’s Subconscious Mindscapes of the Unconscious: Back to the Essence” in Istanbul; a culmination of 1,200 ZMET interviews, the exhibit tells the story of Turkey's collective subconscious during Covid times. For this study, FutureBright integrated data from ZMET interviews: over 3,000 participant collages, over 10,000 images, over 800 everyday language metaphors, and over 150 deep concepts were analyzed. The exhibition shows the artworks are not created by artists, but by anonymous participants; a participatory art project in which the collaborative production process is the subject of the meaning created.

'The brain thinks in images, not words. When people express their ideas verbally, they actually try to translate the images in their minds into words. For this reason, the first principle to reach the implicit mind is; to reach images. The second principle is metaphors. Metaphors are our lens for viewing, interpreting and recording life.''

On this project, we worked together with our art director, Can Beyza Uçak, who is also the curator of the exhibition. The web design part of the project was carried out by Kerem Candan, and the graphic design parts were carried out by me.

Our side of the project includes visual identity, exhibition, display, website and graphic design of printed materials for Turkey’s First Subconscious Imagery Exhibition. As printed materials; 20x20 cm cards with the artwork on one side & the insight of it on the other side are designed for each artwork in the exhibition. Also there are QR codes on the cards that take you directly to the web page of the relevant artwork. These cards also included the address and date of the exhibition for using them as an invitation.

At the entrance of the exhibition area; I designed the plexiglass with exhibition information on the upper niche and the plexiglass card holder which also hanged on wall. I also designed the display of the monitors where the digital artworks in the exhibition will be shown. I also prepared the graphics of the draggable brain collage which can be seen on the website that you can drag parts of.

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