Phinom Web & Desktop

Phinom trading platform for web and desktop was designed as a working space not solely for traders, but also for money managers and bank operators.


App Header

This section is hidden while working on the platform. It expands by clicking on Add Widgets.


This section of the layout displays how to organise the main workspace. It contains several presets and allows the user to add and save custom workspaces, Flexibility has been incorporated into the design, enabling the user to organise the platform according to their specific requirements and content.


The position window has the capacity to view aggregations on multiple levels. The user can collect all positions of one underlying asset.


Drag-and-Drop is used in the activation of elements in the aggregate set-up. Available columns show aggregations which can be selected and moved.


This is an alternative way to view a watch list, containing several trading instruments. This format is sorted using various parameters and market data.


Portfolio Performance

An example of an HTML+CSS+JS widget with a native application look and feel.


The color can be modified for any style of chart (candles, bars, lines, etc.). This section supports drawings, technical studies and indicators. The cursor can take the form of crosshairs or an arrow; when the user hovers over a position on the chart a box appears in the top left corner displaying cross section information.


This window has been designed for a trader or an account manager to work with numerous RFQs. Every RFQ contains multiple parameters. The main task is to accept or cancel a quote, evaluating all of the parameters.

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