Warner Bros. - Get Tickets UXD

Warner Bros. -  Get Tickets UXD

Warner Bros. Get Tickets UX design aims to provide users with a seamless experience for finding and purchasing movie tickets. The UX design includes a feature to retrieve the user's current location and display a list of available theaters with show times for both 2D and 3D formats. The users can view the theaters and show times on a map as well as in a list format, providing them "dynamic colors" with options for a more convenient selection process.

Furthermore, the design incorporates filters for near by location, show times, and other formats, allowing users to customize their search based on their preferences.

The UX design is developed using a responsive framework to ensure compatibility with various devices and screen sizes, thus delivering a consistent and optimized user experience across platforms.

Overall, the Warner Bros. Get Tickets UX design prioritizes user convenience and accessibility, aiming to provide a seamless and intuitive ticket booking process for moviegoers.

Collaborating with the Warner Bros. team has been an absolute pleasure, serving global users across multiple modules. Exciting developments on the horizon include enhanced Search features (results, suggestions), Ticket purchases, TV series, and WB experiences, Digital content buying opportunities. 

Case study : https://techholding.co/casestudy/warner-bros

Design by: Kenil Bhavsar

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