Money Train 4 : Game Promotion Cover Redesign

Game Promotion Cover Redesign : Money Train 4

Hey Dribble community! 🚀

I've been working on a new promotional post cover with a focus on highlighting "Get 200 Spins on 1st Deposit" Created entirely in Photoshop, this design aims to capture the intensity and challenge of the daily targets. I'd love to get your feedback on the layout, color scheme, and overall feel of the design.

Let me know your thoughts on that. Your feedback and thoughts on the design would be greatly appreciated!

More Design is coming !

💡Used Technologies :

🔥Design - Photoshop

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#GameDesign #Photoshop #MoneyTrain4 #GraphicDesign #GamePromotion #Dribbble #DesignFeedback #CreativeProcess

Sample Designs Here

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