Adella - HR Cost Management


The Cost page in Adella is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of company expenditures related to payroll and other costs. Key features of this page include total payroll count (completed, pending, overdue), cashflow overview graph, bonus and fines graph, and payroll status table. This page aims to assist financial managers and HR in monitoring and managing costs more effectively.


  • Data Complexity: Managing complex and variable payroll data each month.

  • Unpredictable Cashflow: Difficulty in predicting and managing fluctuating cash flow.

  • Tracking Bonuses and Fines: Challenges in accurately tracking and recording employee bonuses and fines.

  • Payroll Transparency: Lack of transparency in payroll status leading to confusion and dissatisfaction among employees.

  • Decision Making: Difficulty in making accurate financial decisions based on scattered and unstructured data.

How We Solve

  • Centralized Data: Integrating all payroll data into a centralized system for easier management and monitoring.

  • Cashflow Analysis: Providing a cashflow overview graph that offers clear insights into income and expenses, aiding financial planning.

  • Bonus and Fine Tracking System: Creating an automatic tracking system that records and manages employee bonuses and fines.

  • Payroll Status Table: Offering a real-time payroll status table to enhance transparency.

  • Interactive Dashboard: Providing an interactive dashboard with data visualizations to facilitate quick and accurate decision-making.

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