Figma + Framer : A Sports Community Website

I was tasked with creating a landing page for a fictional sports community. The process involved two main stages: design and development.

Initially, I utilized Figma to design the landing page. Figma provided a versatile and collaborative environment where I could experiment with various design elements and layouts to achieve an engaging and visually appealing interface.


is a online hub for volleyball aficionados from the majestic Rockies to the serene Maritimes! Our digital arena is where the passion for volleyball meets cutting-edge technology, bringing together players, fans, and enthusiasts to celebrate the sport we all love.


Upon finalizing the design in Figma, I transitioned to the development phase using the Framer platform. Framer enabled me to bring the static designs to life, incorporating interactive elements and ensuring the landing page was responsive and functional across different devices.

The project showcased my ability to seamlessly integrate design and development tools, resulting in a professional and user-friendly landing page for the fictional sports community.


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