Transforming Spaces: Shristi Design Studio

Client: Shrasti Garg, Shristi Design Studio


Designed an elegant, user-friendly website for Shristi Design Studio, showcasing Shrasti Garg’s exceptional interior design projects and services.


  • Showcase Portfolio: Highlight diverse projects with high-quality images and detailed descriptions.

  • Service Clarity: Provide clear, detailed information on interior design services offered.

  • User Engagement: Create an easy-to-navigate site with intuitive UX to attract and retain potential clients.

Key Features

  • Hero Section: Captivating visuals of featured projects with direct CTAs.

  • Portfolio Page: Organized, visually rich project thumbnails leading to detailed project pages.

  • Services Page: Comprehensive service descriptions with process overview.

  • Testimonials: Authentic client feedback to build trust and credibility.

  • Contact Page: Easy-to-use contact form and clear contact information.

The Design


A visually appealing, responsive website that effectively communicates Shrasti Garg’s design philosophy and expertise, driving user engagement and business growth.