League of Legends Client Redesign Concept (2013)
Note: Character Avatars, LoL logo, League of Legends Artwork, Spell Images, Champion Names, (etc) were done by the fine people at Riot Games. I just made the interface. :)
An old concept I made in a bid to get a job at Riot Games, hahaha. Good times.
League of Legends is one of the biggest free-to-play games out there, and a huge presence in the E-Sports community. I used to play a lot with friends, but one of the issues we struggled with was being thrown in matches with random players, and having a tiiiiiiny amount of time to develop a team together and make sound decisions on who was doing what, playing what, and building a good relationship. Most often, none of that happened, and most games would devolve into yelling at each other via game chat. These were the early days, when the idea of a "Team Builder" function was just an idea thrown around in forums.
With this (and other screens I'll eventually get on Dribbble), I set out to give the League of Legends client a new coat of paint and introduce "quality of life" features to the system to grown the community and help players get into games without all the "toxic" behavior that the game struggled with. The cool thing I've noticed since I completed this back in 2013, is that a lot of the things I came up with are actually seen in the game today. The visual presentation might've gone in a different direction, but I think I really hit on some key points that the Riot team felt the same about.