Uslub - Product Detail & Checkout Page


Uslub, a contemporary fashion brand, aimed to capture the online market with a cutting-edge e-commerce platform. The vision was to create an engaging, user-friendly, and efficient website that reflects the brand’s unique aesthetic while providing an exceptional shopping experience. The project encompassed design, development, and deployment of the e-commerce site to ensure seamless navigation, fast performance, and secure transactions.


On the product detail page, users faced difficulties in finding important information due to the cluttered layout and poor visual hierarchy. This leads to frustration and a higher bounce rate as users struggle to understand the product's features, size, and availability. The checkout page has a complicated and lengthy process that deters customers from completing their purchase. The lack of clarity in the steps, coupled with multiple forms and fields, contributes to a high cart abandonment rate.

How We Overcame the Problem

On the product detail page, we prioritized a clean and modern design with a clear visual hierarchy. High-quality images are clearly displayed. Important information such as price, size options, and availability are made easily accessible. We include user reviews and ratings to build trust and provide social proof. In addition, we integrated a system of similar products to suggest related products, encouraging users to explore more items.

For the checkout page, we streamlined the process by reducing the number of steps and simplifying the form. We implemented progress indicators to show users where they are in the checkout process, reducing anxiety and increasing transparency. Auto-fill and address lookup features were added to speed up form filling.


Overall, the redesign of the product details and checkout page not only improved the user experience but also had a positive impact on Uslub's business performance, driving higher sales and customer satisfaction.

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