Redesign E-commerce Celebrate Moments by SzabatDesign

Enter your text here...✏️ Another redesign of an online store that I am super happy with! I present to you the brand, Celebrate Moments - Unique gifts for every occasion. A major project for the English market with super friendly, conscious, and cooperative owners. We have gained a competitive edge in several areas. Thanks to a well-thought-out strategy, the company's profits from what I have prepared will surely increase several times! 🙌 I invite you to collaborate, let’s chat over a cup of yerba mate 🧉

🎯 Business Goals

  • Gain loyal and satisfied customers.

  • Expand the product range in the future.

  • Ensure easy navigation through the store.

  • Engage customers upon entering the store.

  • Increase sales conversion rates.

  • Account for product seasonality.

  • Collect customer feedback.

📉 Business Problems

  • Lack of a sales strategy.

  • The current store is not aligned with business goals.

  • Unintuitive information architecture.

  • Low conversion rates despite social media activity.

  • Inadequate information structure.

  • Low number of purchases after entering the store.

  • Dead ends in the user flow.

  • Limited time and budget.

😡 User Problems

  • Packages not arriving on time (with competitors).

  • Box content not matching the price (with competitors).

  • Lack of product composition information.

  • Disappointing surprise boxes.

  • Damaged cookies during shipment (with competitors).

  • Limited options for men.

  • Problem with the "back" button during box creation.

  • Incomplete address in the form.

  • Repeated items in subscription boxes.

  • Offers not tailored to customer preferences.

  • The site crashes during box creation (with competitors).

⚖️ Competitive Advantages

  • Modern design (UI + content).

  • Hero banner tailored to the occasion.

  • Explanation of icon meanings.

  • Visible account registration.

  • Forms with shown labels.

  • Bullets on the homepage describing brand values and customer benefits.

  • Better search functionality, customer information, and bestseller recommendations.

  • Proper WCAG for visually impaired users.

  • Up-sell on PDP with product images.

  • "Return to shopping" button in an empty cart.

  • Social media product sharing.

  • Character limit for personalized messages on PDP.

  • Sticky filtering and 3-column product cards.

  • Incentives for creating accounts with benefits.

  • And much more!

What Has Been Done

  • UX & CRO audit of the old store.

  • 3 Kick-Off meetings with the owners about customers, business goals, and competitors.

  • Competitor analysis.

  • Identification of competitive advantages.

  • Desk research.

  • SWOT analysis.

  • Best strategy and solutions for business goals.

  • New information architecture according to good UX practices.

  • CRO.

  • The “newness” effect.

  • UX Writing tailored to the brand.

  • Responsive logo.

  • New user interface building trust.

  • And much more!

I invite you to collaborate!

More by Christopher Szabat

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