Song of the Still - An Interactive Musical Chair Installation

"Song of the Still" is an interactive Arduino-based project that creates a harmonious musical experience, inspired by the serene atmosphere of waiting in a church. The setup includes four seats, each representing a different musical instrument. When a seat is occupied, a piezoelectric sensor embedded in the seat sends a signal to an Arduino Mega 2560, which then triggers a DFPlayer to play a specific instrumental part through a connected speaker. The installation uses four 8-ohm speakers, driven by two DollaTek 5Wx2 PAM8406 amplifiers, and a K10 capacitor to stabilize the voltage. When all four seats are occupied, the Arduino coordinates the playback of all four DFPlayers simultaneously, resulting in the completion of a harmonious song. This project seamlessly integrates sensor inputs, audio playback, and amplification to create a unique and interactive musical experience.

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