Profinda: Resourcing + Workforce Optimisation

ProFinda is a web app optimizing workforce management with AI for global scalability


Head of UX


Organizations today struggle with workforce management and optimization due to outdated resourcing tools. ProFinda revolutionizes this with our unique blend of Optimization & AI. As the global leader in Workforce Optimization, we've partnered with the largest professional services brands to transform talent management.

The Problem

Through extensive market research and client feedback, we identified several key pain points for organizations:

  • Inefficient Talent Matching: Difficulty in matching the right skills to the right projects or positions.

  • Manual Processes: Time-consuming and error-prone manual resourcing methods.

  • Underutilization: Employees’ skills and talents often underutilized.

  • Lack of Real-time Data: Difficulty in accessing real-time data for decision-making.

Research Methods

To ensure our solution effectively addressed these issues, we employed various research methods:

  • User Surveys: Conducted surveys with over 500 HR professionals and project managers to gather quantitative data.

  • In-depth Interviews: Held one-on-one interviews with 50 business leaders to gain qualitative insights.

  • Competitive Analysis: Analyzed existing workforce optimization tools to identify strengths and weaknesses.

  • Usability Testing: Iteratively tested prototypes with a select group of users to refine the user experience.

Design Process

Our design process followed a user-centered approach, emphasizing efficiency, accuracy, and user experience.

  1. User Personas: Developed detailed personas to represent our target users, such as HR managers, project leads, and executives.

  2. Wireframing: Created low-fidelity wireframes to outline improvements to the platform’s structure and core functionalities.

  3. Prototyping: Built high-fidelity interactive prototypes to simulate the user experience.

  4. User Testing: Conducted multiple rounds of usability testing, gathering feedback and making iterative improvements.

  5. Visual Design: Designed a clean, intuitive interface with seamless navigation and a cohesive visual style.


ProFinda includes the following key features:

  • AI-Powered Matching: Advanced algorithms to match employees with projects and positions based on skills, experience, and availability.

  • Integrated Dashboard: A unified dashboard providing real-time insights into workforce utilization, skills gaps, and project staffing.

  • Automated Resource Allocation: Tools to automate the allocation of resources to projects, reducing manual intervention.

  • Skill Profiling: Comprehensive skill profiling and tracking to ensure optimal use of employees’ talents.

  • Global Reach: Support for managing workforces across 126 countries.

Outcome Metrics

To measure the success of new / improved features during user testing, we defined specific outcome metrics:

  1. User Engagement:

    • Sign-ups: 500 new users participating in the user testing phase.

    • Daily Active Users (DAU): 300 daily active users during the testing period.

    • Session Duration: Average session duration of 15 minutes during tests.

  2. Operational Efficiency:

    • Time Savings: Test users reported a simulated 40% reduction in time spent on resource allocation tasks.

    • Accuracy Improvement: A simulated 60% increase in the accuracy of talent matching.

  3. User Satisfaction:

    • Net Promoter Score (NPS): Achieved an NPS of 73 from test users, indicating high satisfaction.

    • Feedback: 75% of test users rated the platform as "very useful" or "extremely useful."

  4. Investment Attraction:

    • Funding: Secured additional funding based on ProFinda’s performance and user feedback.


ProFinda successfully addresses key workforce optimization challenges using advanced AI and optimization algorithms. By focusing on user-centered design and efficient talent matching, we improved operational efficiency and user satisfaction.

Positive user feedback and successful fundraising indicate a strong foundation for further development.

More by Dan Botha

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