E-commerce Landing Page & Shop UI/UX Design for Medical Cannabis

Project Overview:

This project involved the end-to-end UI/UX design of a Medical Cannabis selling website. The goal was to create a user-friendly, intuitive, and aesthetically pleasing platform that would facilitate the easy purchase of medical cannabis products.

Design Process: The design process was initiated from scratch, starting with the creation of wireframes. These wireframes served as the blueprint for the website, outlining its structure, layout, and functionality.

Following the wireframes, high-fidelity mockups were developed. These mockups provided a detailed and realistic representation of the website, including color schemes, typography, imagery, and the overall visual style.

Landing Page

Key Features: The website was designed with several key features to enhance user experience, including:

  • A clean and intuitive navigation system.

  • Detailed product pages with comprehensive information about each medical cannabis product.

  • A secure and straightforward checkout process.

  • A responsive design ensuring optimal viewing experience across different devices.

Tools Used:

Figma was the primary tool used for this project, facilitating collaboration, design, and prototyping.

Outcome: The final design successfully balanced aesthetics and functionality, providing an engaging and seamless user experience. The website effectively showcases the range of medical cannabis products, making the purchasing process simple and efficient for users.

Future Scope: There is potential for further enhancements such as integrating a live chat feature for customer support and developing a mobile application for the platform.

I've focused on creating a visual identity that conveys safety, reliability, and customer care. The branding elements are designed to be cohesive across all platforms and making it instantly recognizable. My goal was to build a brand that not only looks great but also instills confidence in the users.

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