Yarn & the Labyrinth (YatL) - Website Showcase

The product:

Responsive website for a Yarn & Fibre Artist

This project is at very early stages and continuous work in progress. However, I brought together a UX/ UI design proposal, as shown in the frames above. Once the design is further developed and fully launched, I will publish more information.

My role:

★ UX designer

★ UX researcher 

★ UX writer, and 

★ UI designer 

[For all Phases - “Product Development Life Cycle”: Conception (Phase 1) to Delivery (Phase 5)]

My responsibilities:

★ Defined strategic project scope

★ Conducted strategic research

★ Conducted design research

★ Prepared empathy maps

★ Prepared personas

★ Prepared user journey maps

★ Prepare problem statements

★ Accessibility considerations 

✦ Languages

✦ Assistive Technologies (AT) 

✦ Building and incorporating visual Accessibility Features in accordance with WCAG requirements.

★ Prepared sitemap diagrams

★ Conducted interviews

★ Conducted usability studies

★ Designed paper wireframes

★ Designed digital wireframes

★ Designed low-fidelity prototype

★ Designed medium-fidelity prototype

★ Designed components to enable compliance with sticker sheet (design system)

★ Designed sticker sheet (design system)

★ Designed mockups

★ Designed high-fidelity prototype

★ Designed connections

★ Designed triggers and interactions (component graphics, motion and animation)

★ Incorporated findings from usability studies

★ Incorporated and coordinated design iterations 

★ Graphic design

★ Logo and branding design

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