Open Room - Responsive Application Showcase

Open Room - Responsive Application Showcase - 3 frames showing important features

Low- fidelity Prototype

Medium-fidelity Prototype

High-fidelity Prototype (full product)

High-fidelity Prototype (Responsive Accommodation Booking flow)

Case Study - Detailed Analysis

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Project scope

Open Room: Shelter for Homeless - Social Good Mobile Phone Responsive Application for Accommodation Booking

Designer's personal challenge (DPC): 

To create a fully functional dedicated responsive application (all flows and frames)

✦ Although the brief was to design a responsive website and application, I decided to focus on the responsive application only, and to design all possible frames for a holistic functioning product. I haven't had this opportunity before apart from designing the critical path user flows only, but this time I explored all potential frames and user flows. 

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The product:

A dedicated responsive application (full product - all user flows) to help homeless people find and book accommodation in advance, especially during extreme safety and weather conditions. Open Room is a fictional charity to help homeless people through the development of the responsive application for booking accommodation. This is going to be very beneficial to the homeless community and it will help the individuals to have more access to protected sheltered areas, instead of rough sleeping.

The problem:

Homeless people many times have difficulty in finding an available shelter in close proximity, or if they find a place it is fully booked. This is very frustrating and unsafe for the homeless community, especially during extreme safety and/ or weather conditions.

The goal:

★ This is a social good project (dedicated responsive application) and the goal is to enable and empower the homeless community to use technology for finding local shelters and booking available accommodation/ facilities in advance. 

★ This dedicated responsive application will utilise Internet of Things (IoT), for finding and listing the empty accommodation, including real-time updates, travelling distances and more related information.

My role:

★ UX designer

★ UX researcher 

★ UX writer, and 

★ UI designer 

[For all Phases - “Product Development Life Cycle”: Conception (Phase 1) to Delivery (Phase 5)]

My responsibilities:

★ Defined strategic project scope

★ Conducted strategic research

★ Conducted design research

★ Prepared empathy maps

★ Prepared personas

★ Prepared user journey maps

★ Prepare problem statements

★ Accessibility considerations 

✦ Languages

✦ Assistive Technologies (AT) 

✦ Building and incorporating visual Accessibility Features in accordance with WCAG requirements.

★ Prepared sitemap diagrams

★ Conducted interviews

★ Conducted usability studies

★ Designed paper wireframes

★ Designed digital wireframes

★ Designed low-fidelity prototype

★ Designed medium-fidelity prototype

★ Designed components to enable compliance with sticker sheet (design system)

★ Designed sticker sheet (design system)

★ Designed mockups

★ Designed high-fidelity prototype

★ Designed connections

★ Designed triggers and interactions (component graphics, motion and animation)

★ Incorporated findings from usability studies

★ Incorporated and coordinated design iterations 

★ Graphic design

★ Logo and branding design

Posted on Jun 26, 2024

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